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장경각 도서 목록


Echoes from Mt. Kaya

저자·역자 Edited by ven. Won-taek 출간일01/02/2013
책정보페이지: 324판형: ISBN:978-89-93904-02-4
성철스님 법어집 "자기를 바로 봅시다" 영문판


Table of Contens

Part One: Echoes from Mt. Kaya
1. The Middle Way Is Buddha
2. On "Dharmas are neither produced nor
3. Genuine Buddhist Offerings
4. Broadly Cultivated Oferings
5. Waves of Blessings
6. The Great Vows of Samantabhadra
7. Look at the Great Light
8. On Meditation
9. Listen to the Eternal Sound of the Bell
10. "Since I became Buddha"
11. Universal Law Is Buddhist Dharma
12. The World of the Spirit
13. The Red Sun Rises High
14. Faith Is Your Holy Land
15. A World Filled with Peace
16. The One Vehicle and Expedients
17. Take a Good Look at Yourself
18. "No Mind" Is Buddha
19. "Since there is this, there is that"
20. The Three Jewels
21. The True Nature of Life
22. Respect All as Buddha
23. Searching for Water in Water
24. Questions from Followers
25. Noble Buddha

Part Two: Excerpts from Interviews
1. Korea's Symbol of Religious Discipline
2. Chogye Order's New "Buddha Face" Patriarch,
Ven. Song-chol
3. Sacrifice Everything for Truth
4. Mind Is Fundamentally Pure
5. Empty Yourself and Respect Others
6. Greed Is the Source of All Suffering
7. Every Day Is a Good Day
8. If You're Human, Find Your Humanity

Part Three: On Monastic Life
1. Introduction
2. Let's Return to the Teachings
3. Let's Keep the Precepts
4. "The One Thing"
5. The Constantly Abiding
6. The Physical Body and Dharma Dedication
7. Eight Precepts of Monastic Training
8. Exhaustive Meditation
9. On Cause-and-Effect
10. The Precepts as Your Teacher
11. The Task Before You
12. Keeping the Precepts Is Genuine Purity


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